Capacitive Touch

EDT / Products / Capacitive Touch

EDT was one of the first display companies to embrace and start manufacturing Capacitive Touch technology

Today EDT is an integrated touchscreen manufacturer combining displays, touch panels, and cover lenses to provide customers with complete user interface solutions for our customers. Our touch panel experience and capability includes several implementations including, Glass to Glass, Glass to film and One Glass only.


Our in-house services include touch sensor design, manufacturing, touch performance tuning, software driver integration, and regulatory compliance testing.


We have obtained several patents for Capacitive Touch Panels (CTP), which allows us to make touch panels, with features of multi-touch function and excellent performance even when combined with integrated cover lenses made of different materials and thicknesses. The structure of a CTP design can vary so we fine-tune the firmware for every new custom module for optimal touch performance in our customers’ specific use cases.


Touch technology today is known to need exceptional touch performance and outstanding noise immunity, both critical in meeting requirements of modern HMI touchscreen solutions. With the future technology development, GUI content will not only be limited to flat surfaces, but also presented in the form of autostereoscopic 3D displays. With the rise of health awareness, people might fear the spread of disease caused by direct contact with the surface of the object. SpaceGesture® Touch from EDT, sometimes called air touch or no touch, is our technology for addressing these market requirements. The SpaceGesture® technology is based on self-capacitance sensing, which with specific programming – reports the coordinates Firmware optimization – adjustments, has effectively enhanced the hovering distance.

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Touch Screen
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Touch Interface
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Part number
LCD    Type
Touch  Screen
Overall Dimensions  (W x H x D mm)
Active Area (W x H mm)
Touch Interface
Operating Temperature(°C)
Storage Temperature(°C)
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76.4 x 63.0 x 1.4
70.8 x 53.27
-30 to 80
-30 to 80
105.5 x 66.98 x 1.7
96.04 x 54.86
-30 to 80
-30 to 80
Capacitive Touch
105.5 x 66.98 x 1.7
96.04 x 54.86
-30 to 80
-30 to 80
Capacitive Touch
118.5 x 77.55 x 1.7
110 x 66.8
-30 to 80
-30 to 80
124.7 x 100 x 1.4
116.57 x 88.77
-30 to 80
-30 to 80
164 x 104 x 1.4
154 x 93.05
-30 to 80
-30 to 80
Capacitive Touch
165 x 104.21 x 1.3
155 x 93.05
-30 to 80
-30 to 80
Capacitive Touch
163.7 x 100.3 x 1.3
155.6 x 91.01
-30 to 80
-30 to 80
Capacitive Touch
163.7 x 100.3 x 1.3
155.6 x 91.01
-20 to 70
-30 to 80
Capacitive Touch
175 x 138.5 x 1.75
164.05 x 123.54
-30 to 80
-30 to 80

The basic capacitive touch panel structure is made by two parts: touch sensor and cover lens. There are two types of touch sensors. First we have the glass sensor which has advantages in optical performance, durability, and narrow border, then the film sensor which has advantages in thinness, lightness and facilitates the(or eases) production.


There are two type of cover lens: glass and plastic.
Typical cover lens thickness varies from 0.55, 0.75, or 1.1 mm for mobile devices, up to 3 mm or even thicker for industrial applications. The dielectric constant of the cover lens and its thickness have a direct impact on the sensitivity of the capacitive touch panels – a thinner cover lens and/or a higher dielectric constant results in better performance. Plastic (PMMA) has a lower dielectric constant and must be half the thickness of glass to achieve the same performance.


EDT develops various types of sensor and cover lens combination for the capacitive touch panels: Glass to Glass, Glass to film and One Glass only. The followings are our available capacitive touch panel structures.



The Glass/Glass (G/G) type capacitive touch panel (CTP) has been used for glass cover lens laminated with glass sensor.


The cover glass is used to protect the sensor glass underneath, and the sensor glass is used to sense the touch points. The sensor glass is coated with two conductive layers of ITO: one for the x-axis, another for the y-axis. There are two types of G/G solutions: double-sided indium-tin oxide (DITO), patented by Apple, and single-sided ITO (SITO) that is the most popular used in the CTP industry.


The overall thickness of EDT’s G/G type CTP can be from 1.1 mm for portable device to 3.5 mm or even thicker for various industrial applications. Advantage for G/G type CTP is that the glass cover lens can be custom made by screen-printed on the rear surface, in-mold decorated (IMD), complex treatment with multiple holes and slots, rounded corners, even bent edges, and in most cases, chemically strengthen to enhance its resistance to external impact.

One Glass Solution(OGS):


First, applying a chemical strengthening process onto mother glass, followed by the application of blackmasking (BM1) and circuitry
layout. Once circuitry is completed, mother glass is then divided into individual size panels, and applied with edge-grinding treatment.
A second step of chemical strengthening process is then applied, followed by optional decoration printing or surface treatment.


As the demand for advanced user interface continues to evolve, the EDT PolyTouch™ innovation in capacitive touch solution, is an alternative to touch sensory design that is both easy to implement and highly reliable. Unlike traditional resistive touch panels, PolyTouch™ technology utilizes unique structural design that exclude the need for sensory film, allowing a much more durable composition and wider operating environment. Elegant, yet convenient, the PolyTouch™ series is an excellent touch solution complementary to visual medium for any design. Equipped with various pre-installed functions and commands, each PolyTouch™ panel can be easily integrated and made compatible with either existing or newly developed system for fast implementation and development. Standard PolyTouch™ design from 3.5″ to 7″ size offers single touch and multi touch alternatives. Both may be standardized or customized and be integrated as part of the LCD module.


PolyTouch™ Key Features
1.Glass on glass structure
2.Outstanding performance
– ITO pattern invisibility – High transparency (85% & above)
– Robust structure
– High reliability
*Operation temp.: -20℃ ~ +70℃
*Storage temp.: -30℃ ~ +80 ℃
3.Cost efficient
– Cost saving on replacement of cover lens design
– Better yield rate than conventional lamination processes

Touch on Lens(TOL):


Individual panels are separated from the mother glass and undergone chemical strengthening individually. The glass is then entered
cover lens and blackmasking (BM) process, followed by circuitry application and at last any pattern decoration or surface treatment.


Glass-Film-Film PCAP:


The Glass-Film-Film PCAP solution consists of two film circuits that are optically bonded to a cover lens with Optically Clear Adhesive (OCA). This construction is ideal for users who want the same durability as our Glass-Glass product, while at the same time require a thinner and lighter solution overall.


We are actively engaged in the research of new materials, such as COC/COP film substrates of high reliability (without rainbow effect), and transparent conductive material of low resistance. Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) is the material widely used for transparent conducting electrodes on film substrates in the fabrication of capacitive touch panels, however, it suffers from drawbacks as the display size increases beyond around 21.5 inches, principally as a result of its relatively high electrical resistance which hampers its performance and makes it an unsuitable material choice for some applications. Alternatively, Silver Nanonetworks are promising candidates to replace ITO as transparent conductors in these applications.