Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)
We paid high attention to business management, social responsibility, occupational safety and health, environment, labor human rights, corporate ethics, and so on for a long time. We committed to ensuring a safe working environment, employees are respected and dignified at work, promoting environmental protection, and complying with ethics, so we adopted the “Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct” to measure the performance of operations in the areas of labor, health and safety, environment and ethics.
The “Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct” covers labor, health and safety, environment, and ethics, in accordance with those internationally recognized standards including:
- OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
- UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
- ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
- ILO Fundamental Conventions
- UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
As a member of the international business community, EDT committed to promoting corporate social and environmental responsibility (SER), so we has established the “Code of Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility” (hereinafter referred to as “SER Code of Conduct”) based on the “RBA Code of Conduct”, which includes labor, health and safety, environmental, ethics, prohibition of conflict minerals, anti-corruption practices, and anti-fraud, etc., followed by our management, employees and suppliers. In addition, our suppliers are required to sign the “EDT suppliers’ quality and delivery contract” as a code of conduct for the supplier to regulate their behavior and promises to abide by our “SER Code of Conduct” and the latest “RBA Code of Conduct” in the contract. We hope to further meet the requirements of internationally recognized standards and improve the sustainability management of the supply chain by requiring the operation activities of suppliers to comply with the laws and regulations of the local government.
The scope of application of the “SER Code of Conduct” extends to EDT’s Dongguan factory, and the content can be downloaded below: