Sustainable Development Committee

EDT / Sustainable Development Committee

Organization Structure

Committee Organization Structure

EDT has established “Sustainable Development Committee” with President & CEO serving as the highest principal to irregularly hold meetings with ranking executives of different fields from several departments, including Chairman’s Office, Finance, Administration, Industrial Safety & Business Planning, Procurement, and the Employee Benefits Committee so as to review the company’s core operation ability together, and map out a medium and long-term sustainable development plan. Through irregular meetings and setting up of ad hoc groups based on issues, the Sustainable Development Committee identifies sustainable issues related to the company operations and concerns of stakeholders and formulates its strategies and work guidelines accordingly. This committee integrates each department’s resources and budgets to promote various sustainable development operations. Meanwhile, it tracks the implementation effect to ensure that the sustainable development strategy is fulfilled in the daily operations of EDT. The duties of the Committee are as following:

  • Set the goal and implementation plan for sustainable development of EDT.
  • In the beginning of every year, propose the execution plan of the year on sustainable development and the execution result of the previous year to the Board of Directors.
  • Identify the sustainable issues need to be concerned, then set the adaptive strategies.
  • Consolidate comments of the stakeholders and assist in communication with them.
  • Compile the “Sustainability Report”.


At the beginning of each year, the Sustainable Development Committee holds a meeting to discuss and proposes the implementation plan for the current year. It then summarizes the implementation results after the end of the year, and reports the implementation results of sustainable development and future work plans to the Board of Directors at least once per year. The recent proposal to the Board meeting was on March 7 and April 30, 2024. Directors offered suggestions and guidance on the implementation of EDT’s sustainable development and future strategies, cared about the implementation progress, and urged the management team to make adjustments, if needed.


The details of EDT’s actions about sustainable development can be refer to our Sustainability Report.