Why do touch ICs currently on the market mostly use self-capacitance + mutual capacitance hybrid sensing technology?

Because this can meet the touch performance requirements of various application scenarios.
However, in harsh water interference environments such as outdoors or in bathrooms, mutual capacitance sensing cannot support underwater operation requirements due to its low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
Most touch ICs on the market use a hybrid sensing technology of self-capacitance and mutual capacitance, so the touch function cannot be used normally when encountering water interference.
EDT LiquidUX® solution uses self-capacitance sensing technology with high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR=80db) to meet the performance requirements of water touch.
In addition, the water-tolerance touch matrix electrode design used by EDT can be operated in different GUIs and different touch function positions, making it more competitive than other water-tolerance Button electrode designs on the market that can only be used with fixed GUIs and fixed positions.
EDT LiquidUX® solutions can be applied to industrial control, medical and navigation and other fields.

EDTwater-tolerance touch matrix electrode design

EDTwater-tolerance touch matrix electrode design
Please Contact Us for more technology integration service for your User Machine Interface touch display.